Can I Use My NECO Results to Apply for Scholarships Abroad?

Written by Bella

The National Examinations Council (NECO) is an agency of the Nigerian government that conducts national examinations for secondary school students. Universities and colleges in Nigeria have widely embraced the NECO results, but what about foreign scholarships?

The common trend among students taking the NECO examination as the high school certificate is that it’s not recognized internationally, let alone used for getting a Scholarship abroad. The truth is that some countries use NECO Results as the requirement for scholarship.

In this blog post, we will answer the question of most Nigerian students: can I use my Neco results to apply for scholarships abroad? We will also discuss some Universities and colleges that accept NECO as one of their requirements and tips for getting Scholarships abroad. 

So if you’re a Nigerian student with NECO Results and you are wondering whether you can study outside Nigeria, if you read till the end, we will provide you with some tips on applying for scholarships abroad. Come with us!

Specific scholarships that accept NECO results

Can I use NECO results to get scholarships abroad? You have to know that not all universities and scholarship programs will accept NECO results. It is also essential to research the specific requirements of the institutions and programs you are interested in. Some Programs will require a transcript from your school or some other external examination like S.A.T, IELTS, etc. 


Several Scholarship schemes accept NECO results as their requirement. The Scholarship Programs always require additional prerequisites alongside the NECO results. Some of them, and their conditions include:

Chevening Scholarship

The British Government funds this prestigious scholarship and provides full funding for postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom. NECO results are accepted for this scholarship, but you must also have a good IELTS or TOEFL score.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Gates Cambridge Scholarship  is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and provides full funding for Ph.D. degrees at the University of Cambridge. NECO results are accepted for this scholarship, but you will also need to have a good score on the GRE or GMAT

Schwarzman Scholarship

The Schwarzman Scholars program funds this scholarship and provides full funding for a master’s degree at Tsinghua University, China. NECO results are accepted for this scholarship, but you will also need to have good scores on the SAT or ACT.

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship is a scholarship funded by the Commonwealth and funds undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the Commonwealth. NECO results are recognized for this scholarship, but you must also have a good IELTS or TOEFL score.

Nigeria Presidential Scholarship for Development (NPSD) 

The Nigerian government funds undergraduate and graduate studies in Nigeria. This scholarship recognizes NECO results, but you will also need good grades in utme.

Universities abroad that accept NECO results

There are some famous Universities abroad that accept NECO results, even if it’s not on Scholarship. They are listed below based on the countries they are found.

  • United States: Boston University, Columbia University, New York University
  • United Kingdom: University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University College London
  • Canada: McGill University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia
  • Australia: University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland

Factors that Scholarships Consider When Evaluating Applicants

There are some factors that scholarship schemes consider when evaluating their applicants, and they include:

Academic performance

The performance in your NECO results will give you a significant edge when you apply for scholarship Programs that accept NECO. A minimum of five credits in NECO, including English and Mathematics, will be an essential factor in determining your academic eligibility for scholarships. ALSO READ:- Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship

Extracurricular activities

One of the significant skills that can help boost your eligibility status to study outside Nigeria with your NECO results is your involvement in extracurricular activities. Your ability to demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and commitment to your studies is a strong point.

Personal statement

Your statement is an excellent opportunity to share your story and explain why you are interested in studying abroad. The essay topics you were given to write are a big plus. Many scholarship boards consider this as the significant selection criteria

Letters of recommendation

Some scholarship programs need letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or employers who can provide valuable insights into your character and academic potential.

Tips for students who are Applying for Scholarships With NECO Results

Start early

When applying for a scholarship from Africa, you must start very early. The application process for scholarships can be competitive, so it is essential always to start early.

Research your options

Many different scholarships are available that accept NECO, as we listed earlier. So, you must research your options and find scholarships that are a good fit for you and the one you are most qualified for. When applying, make sure you see many.

Be Prepared to Submit Your NECO Results 

You have to make sure your original NECO results are available because most scholarships require you to submit your NECO results as part of your application process. Here is one of our newest post.

Write a Strong Personal Statement 

Some Scholarship Programs will require you to write a personal statement in the form essay. Your statement is an essential part of your application, so take the time to write a strong one that highlights your strengths and why you are interested in studying abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use My NECO Results to Apply for Scholarships Abroad?

Yes, you can use your NECO results to apply for scholarships abroad. However, not all scholarships will accept NECO results. It is vital to research the specific requirements of each scholarship before you use it.

Which countries accept NECO results for scholarships?

Many countries accept NECO results for scholarships. Some of the most popular countries include:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Turkey
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • South Africa

Final Thoughts

If you are a Nigerian student who is interested in studying abroad, you may have been.asking, can I use my Neco t 

results to apply for scholarships abroad? The answer is yes; some scholarships accept NECO results. 

However, it is essential to research your options and find scholarships that fit you well. I hope this blog post has provided you with the information you need to know concerning using Neco to apply for scholarships abroad. Always check on this site for all your scholarship related questions. Good luck! 

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